Status Tracking Enhancement

The project is to enhance the status tracking experience for advisers by consolidating existing tools and introducing new features.

Work Tracker
Client Status Tracking

Consolidation: 4.25 Sprints
Work Tracker: 5.5 Sprints

Consolidation: $470k
Work Tracker: $700k

Duration and Budget

Team Structure


Product owner




The Colonial First State Status Tracking Enhancement project is initiated in response to critical challenges faced by the organisation in delivering an efficient and streamlined user experience to financial advisers. Currently, the presence of multiple, disjointed tracking tools has led to confusion and inefficiencies in the adviser workflow. Additionally, a significant volume of calls to the contact centre is driven by inquiries related to offline transaction tracking.
The project aims to address these issues comprehensively by consolidating existing tracking tools into a unified platform, introducing cost-effective digital status updates for offline transactions, and aligning the user experience with industry best practices.
This project not only enhances adviser efficiency but also reflects Colonial First State's commitment to providing top-tier service in the highly regulated financial services sector.

Currently Funds under Administration is in excess of 8 Billion dollars

Reduce Calls:
Decrease the number of calls from advisers regarding Work in Progress (WIP) and Outstanding Requirement (OSR) from 25.5k to 12.5k.2.

Improve Adviser Efficiency:
Streamline the status tracking process to make advisers more efficient.

Digital Status Updates:
Provide digital status updates for offline transactions to reduce contact centre calls.

Enhanced User Experience:
Create a cohesive, user-friendly status tracking experience.

Colonial First State faces a multifaceted challenge in its current status tracking system, which is pivotal for adviser operations. The existing environment comprises multiple tracking tools, resulting in a fragmented and bewildering user experience for advisers. Mismatched terminology, inconsistent navigation, and the absence of content management, not only impedes adviser efficiency but also drives a high volume of inquiries, particularly related to offline transaction tracking, to the contact centre.

Objectives: to create a singular, user-centric location for tracking transaction statuses, thereby enhancing adviser experience and efficiency, and to implement digital status updates for offline transactions to reduce call volumes.
and provide advisers with the tools to better serve their clients.

The current state of Colonial First State's status tracking system reveals a complex and fragmented landscape. CFS currently employs multiple tracking tools, each with its own set of functionalities, leading to a disjointed user experience for financial advisers.

Project Flow and Accountability

UX Status

UX Designer


UX Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer




Concept approved


Ready to test



UI Status



UI Designer


UI Designer

UI Design Lead

UI Designer

UX Designer

UX UI Designer




In refinement


Design approved


Ready for build


Built and QA’d






Copy status

UX Designer


UX Designer

UX Copy




Working/Writer to check


Writer approved


Ready for sign-off


Sent for sign-off




Not required



Data Migration

Migrating data from existing tracking tools to the new system can be complex. Ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and integrity during migration is a constraint we had to overcome

Regulatory Changes

Changes in financial regulations or industry standards during the project's timeline could require adjustments to the system, potentially impacting the scope and timeline

User Adoption

Changing the user interface and workflow for advisers could face resistance. Ensuring a smooth transition and providing adequate training may be necessary to encourage user adoption.


Holistic Navigation Review

Conduct an in-depth review of the navigation structure across the platform, with a focus on status tracking. Ensure that the user journey is intuitive, consistent, and minimizes the need for excessive clicks or navigation between different tools

Decoupling Tracking tools

Separate report management from the core status tracking functionality. Create a dedicated section for generating and retrieving reports, simplifying access and improving user understanding of different functionalities.

UX Governance

Ensure consistent use of terminology related to WIP, status, and tracking throughout the digital platform

Terminology Standardisation

Implement a company-wide terminology standardization effort, ensuring that terms related to Work in Progress (WIP), status tracking, and reporting are consistent throughout the digital platform. This will reduce confusion and enhance user comprehension

Here’s the predicted outcome we’re designing for

Reduced Adviser Workload

By consolidating tracking tools and introducing user-friendly features like client-level status tracking and customisable notifications, the project aims to significantly reduce the workload of advisers. Predicted outcomes include a decrease in the number of calls to the contact centre regarding Work in Progress (WIP) and Outstanding Requirements (OSR). This reduction in adviser workload will result in improved efficiency and productivity, allowing advisers to focus more on providing valuable financial advice to their clients.

Enhanced User Experience

The project is designed to create a cohesive and user-friendly status tracking system. Predicted outcomes include a more intuitive user interface, reduced confusion due to standardised terminology, and streamlined navigation. This enhanced user experience will not only lead to higher adviser satisfaction but also drive increased adoption of the status tracking system, ultimately benefiting both advisers and clients by providing transparency and efficiency in tracking financial transactions.

We worked around these themes



This design theme focuses on a clean, minimalist aesthetic with a simple and intuitive user interface. It emphasises clarity, efficient use of space, and a visually uncluttered

Key Features:
Streamlined navigation, clear status indicators, and a user-centric dashboard.

This design theme draws inspiration from nature to create a calming and harmonious user experience. It incorporates organic shapes, soft colours, and natural textures.

Key Features:
Emphasis on a soothing and user-friendly design that promotes relaxation and clarity.


AEM Adoption

By leveraging AEM and data collection methods, Colonial First State can continuously monitor the project's success metrics, make informed decisions, and proactively address any issues that may arise during and after the implementation of the enhanced status tracking system.

The Information Architecture (IA) review was conducted to ensure that the structure and organisation of information within the Colonial First State's status tracking system align with the project's objectives and user needs. IA review is essential because it helps us

Enhance User Experience

By assessing and optimizing the IA, we aim to create a user-centric system that allows advisers to easily find and track transaction status, reducing frustration and improving efficiency.

Streamline Navigation

An effective IA ensures that the system's navigation is logical and intuitive. It helps users quickly locate the information they need, reducing cognitive load and enhancing usability.

Reduce Confusion

The IA review helps eliminate potential sources of confusion, such as inconsistent terminology or redundant pathways. A clear IA ensures that users encounter a cohesive and comprehensible structure.

Optimise Content Management

structured IA facilitates efficient content management, making it easier to update, organize, and maintain information within the system.

Information Architecture

Unified Dashboard

We created a unified dashboard where advisers can access status tracking for all products and services in one place. This dashboard includes clear and consistent terminology.

User-Friendly Navigation

We restructured the navigation, ensuring that users can easily find the information they need. We implemented breadcrumb navigation and a search functionality.

Design System Integration

We integrated the new design system and style guidelines to create a visually appealing and consistent experience across all status trackers.

Real-Time Updates

We developed a content management system that enables real-time updates, ensuring the accuracy of information. Users can opt-in for notifications


We implemented a feedback button in the redesigned solution to directly capture user insights and enhance user experience


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Final Designs

Nanum Myeongjo







Title 1 - 44/48

Title 2 - 40/48

Title 1 - 80/80

Title 2 - 64/64



Body 1

For over 30 years, we’ve been helping Australians work towards a better financial future. We aim to generate strong long-term returns for our members, while creating value every step of the way.



For over 30 years, we’ve been helping Australians work towards a better financial future. We aim to generate strong long-term returns for our members, while creating value every step of the way.



Primary colours

Style Guide



By addressing the fragmented and inconsistent status tracking experience for advisers, CFS successfully improved digital adoption and enhanced the overall efficiency of transaction tracking.

The redesigned features will reduce support calls, saving both time and resources, while providing advisers with a user-friendly and streamlined tool to track client transactions effectively. This project exemplified the importance of user-centered design in creating solutions that benefit both advisers and the business.

Clear Communication

To address misleading copy, we revamped the content with clear and concise language, ensuring users understand the status of their transactions.

Project Context


What’s the problem?

Current State

Design Solutions: Based on our research findings, we developed a comprehensive redesign strategy


Modern Minimalism

Modern Minimalism

This design theme embraces a futuristic and technology-driven aesthetic, reflecting innovation and efficiency. It incorporates sleek and polished elements.

Key Features:
Focus on advanced functionality, interactive elements, and a forward-looking user experience.

Let’s Connect.